in Jesus’ name

this season of life looks like a busy blur of honestly just making it through the day. waking early, getting two kids ready for and to school, working full time, picking the kids up, homework, dinner, play, bath, bed..middle of the night bad dreams, snuggles, potty trips…and a whole lot of exhaustion, frustration and sibling quarrels sprinkled in there as well. this season is weighted with a worn out body afflicted with pain from a chronic injury. surgery will need to be on the horizon though the weight of figuring out how to fit that and recovery into all that’s on my plate seems impossible. just as light finds it’s way to shine through cracks in the sky on cloudy days, joy does continue to seep into my days. when i step back from the scene just in front of me, i am overwhelmed by God’s tremendous blessing and provision over my life. the kids and i pray before bed and in the car on the way to school. and on difficult days when the pain has me limping, my daughter will hold my hand and pray for healing IN JESUS’ NAME. our church and their daycare/after school program have and continue to instill the power of Jesus into my kids. the are grasping the crippling truth of spiritual warfare and are the first to remind me to cling to Jesus.

this quote was in my devotional this week and it hit me hard: “yes we face difficulties and hardships with finances, relationships, work issues and the like, but they are there to prove our ability to reign in life.”

but only through the power and mercy of God. perhaps all the details of life that are heavy are supposed to be there to bring me closer to God as i seek his perfect peace and strength to help me see and recognize the beams of joy peaking through my clouds, IN JESUS’ NAME.


  • Whitney

    I loved the line about when you step back you are overwhelmed by God’s goodness and provision. Such a good reminder for me! Thanks for always writing from your heart!

  • Sherry

    I love the writing from your deep heart… and in reading it I sense a calm like the calm after or even during a storm …. peace with the only thing that counts…and thankful Jesus is in the boat with us … will be praying for you beautiful girl. Mrs Peck