mom fail

today i tried to be the super fun mom. i took gracie to eat lunch at “old macdonald’s” as she calls it and let her play on the playscape. i thought it would be like a dream come true for her since she always asks to go there. well, it was not super fun. she was totally overwhelmed by the playscape and couldn’t figure out how to navigate it which led her to be stuck at the very top. not to worry, i raced through the tiny tunnels, bumped my head on the low surfaces and wedged my body through the maze to reach her and helped her find her way to the slide so she could get out of the thing. pfeww we were done! until she begged to do it again. i had total confidence that she could do it alone this time. nope, cue major meltdown, pools of snot and tears and hysteric screaming from the top of the playscape. so i morphed into a tiny person and rescued her, again. i did not succeed at being fun mom today and gracie surely did not think her dreams had come true. i’m thankful for grace and her forgiving heart. she will wake up from her nap today and probably not remember any of our mishaps from today’s adventure!