the fatherless

my heart has been more heavily convicted than ever about adoption. i’ve come across some amazing stories via blogs or meeting people in person that have left me speechless. left me eager to say YES and grow our family through adoption: “for in you the fatherless find compassion.” Hosea 14:3. the fact is that there are far too many children without homes, without parents and we have been blessed with extra love, attention, resources, etc to give. “God sets the lonely in families” Psalm 68:5-6. my mind naturally thinks about the stumbling blocks that keep preventing us from immediately opening our door; i’m thankful for the Lord’s provisions and timing because He will take care of every single detail as long as i am obedient to say yes to His calling. “the mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth”. Psalm 97:5 my heart crumbles when i read these words because i know the truth about the orphan crisis: “once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we do not know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows we know and holds us responsible to act.” Proverbs 24:12. Lord, i say yes and i desire to “take up the cause of the fatherless”. isaiah 1:17. only the Lord knows the timing for our lives and all i can do is faithfully say yes to His calling. i’m ready and i’m willing!

“do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is within the power of your hand to do so.” Proverbs 3:27