find out your niche

I read this today and it made me stop in my tracks…
God made you for an end. Find out what that end is; find out your niche, and fill it. If it be ever so little, if it is only to be a hewer of wood and a drawer of water, do something in this great battle for God and truth.” Charles Spurgeon
Yes, I know that I was created uniquely for a purpose but sometimes that truth gets lost in day to day life. I used to rely on my profession as my identity and as I have become a mother and stepped back from my job a little bit, it’s clear to see that my profession was merely a platform to highlight the gifts I have been given. My identity is Christ and my purpose is to do whatever it takes to use my given gifts to bring my God glory! I love seeing Gracie grow each day, she is no longer a baby, but a little girl. I wonder what she was created for, I wonder what gifts will shine in her! Oh how wonderfully and perfectly we are created. Today I’m thankful for this reminder to pursue my purpose even in the mundane daily life because even the love I give while doing laundry or changing diapers is surely glorifying my maker.