busy october

october is almost over and i think i’ve only worked a few shifts…between our wonderful family vacation to the bahamas! gracie’s ear surgery and sick days, the month has flown by. 

we had the most wonderful trip the the bahamas with our family. gracie LOVED the water and the feel of her toes in the sand. she was a super traveller and a joy to watch experience new things that she’ll never remember! 

last friday gracie had minor surgery on her ear to remove a congenital ear tag. she had to undergo general anesthesia and even get an iv in her hand but she was such a trooper. i was so fearful for her first time having anesthesia and for all the unknowns and felt guilty for putting her through an elective procedure…jed and i weighed the options heavily and really felt like we were acting in her best interest for when she gets older. thankfully, everything went well, and she is healing great. the pain medicine made her loopy but didn’t slow her down a bit which made for some interesting crawling! 

i am reminded daily of god’s goodness and his control over every detail. i’m thankful for health, family and the simply joys in our life.