dear gracie

my sweet gracie ruth,

i can’t believe you are four months old. i am so in love with you and i thank God every day for allowing me to be your mom.  so much has happened in four months. well first of all, you have learned all sorts of cool things, like how to sleep (sometimes!), roll over, kick your legs like crazy, SMILE, grab your feet, walk in your walker, splash wildly in the bath, suck your thumb, make all kinds of sounds, and melt hearts with your sweetness (especially grandpa’s).  you have made several trips to target, sonic, daddy’s work and wherever else we could think of running an errand to 🙂 AND, i returned to work which means you have gotten to spend lots of time with grandma and daddy. i know these four months didn’t come easy for me as i learned how to care for every fiber of your being. i often went to bed frustrated wishing that i could have done better that day. hearing you cry makes me want to put you in a bubble and protect you from every nasty thing and hurt of this world that you will have to encounter. things would be so much easier if you could just talk to me and i could instantly meet your needs! lots of people have fallen in love with you and we are so lucky that aunt mer lives so close. you love playing with her! your aunt meme is already asking when you can visit her in california! you have had so many visitors and have been spoiled rotten by your grandparents and aunt kim! oh gracie ruth, i look forward to every day with you. i promise to cherish every moment with you. we will make sure you know every day how loved you are by us and God. i will love you selflessly and joyfully meet your needs. thank you gracie ruth for entering into my life. you are my sunshine. i can only imagine the adventures we will have, the memories we will make, the dreams we will dream, and the love we will deepen. 

One Comment

  • Rachel

    you are such a blessing to your sweet baby girl!!! heart melting…love her darling smile. happy, healthy, loved baby = awesome momma and daddy!