the rain

the rain this week has forced me to slow down and be still. there’s just

something about the rain that is so renewing to my soul. i’m thankful for these days. today i am unwinding from a heavy week at work and losing my grandma yesterday…my last grandparent. the tears have subsided and i’m finding so much joy in my heart remembering the wonderful childhood i had because of the love i had from my grandparents. i always looked forward to visiting them and they always went out of the way for us. they played with us, they laughed and told stories. they were great! it’s clear to see why my parents are so amazing themselves. 
on the other end of the age spectrum, my heart is broken for some very sick kiddos. i’m absolutely humbled each day i walk through the hospital doors that i get to be a part of the families lives. that i get to be the one that is trusted to take care of their suffering child. it’s an enormous responsibility but i daily give it up to God and trust that i’m not functioning at all on my own but instead am just an extension of HIM. i think i finally found the meaning of “kindred spirits” this week in a little three year old girl who is fighting her fight with as much courage and power as the eighteen year old boy down the hall. they have become friends. their parents rely on each other for support. their extended families and friends now pray for each others families. the connection is quite unique and unbelievable. the two suffer from some of the same pains and difficulties that their diseases have dealt them and they light up when they hear each others name or get to leave their room to visit the other. it is so sweet to witness! i’m thankful for the simplicity of love and am encouraged by it’s power.