looking after the orphan

jed and i completed our requirements to become licensed as a foster/adoptive family for children in the state foster care system! we had our home study this week and things became very real as we got an email the very next day from our case worker asking if we were ready to take a sibling group. wow, this whole thing became real very fast! because of some family commitments this summer, we won’t be taking calls for placements until august. that gives us a little time to decompress from the past four months of our certification process. as i thought this day couldn’t be here soon enough when we started this journey on february 14, 2010, i’m very thankful for this next month to just pray and wait for the call that will change our lives forever. it’s hard not to try and imagine what the kid/kids will be like; will they be with us forever or will the judge decide to give them back to their parents, will they accept our love, what if ?, how do i handle ?, etc…it’s scary but at the same time i have an incredible peace that God has already taken care of all the details for us, after all, He put this desire on our hearts in the first place.