Basic Needs

These families really do not have anything. Most babies we see are without diapers and even clothes. So many of these babies lost their mothers in the earthquake and are now being taken care of by family members, friends, etc. People who are not able to breastfeed. These babies are severely malnourished and it is so frustrating to not be able to provide the most basic need for these families: food. Although I’m greatful our shelves are overflowing with medicine and medical supplies, the greatest need I’ve identified this far is baby formula.

Friday clinic was hectic to say the least. I would say that 75% of the patients we saw did not need medical attention. These people need so much basic education about health and especially in caring for their babies like breastfeeding patterns, what vomiting/diarrhea/dehydration really is, baby hygiene, etc. This was our last free week of clinic. Monday will go back to the pre-quake $2.50 accountability fee that will cover all services/medications. The clinic directors believe that at this point past the immediate crisis of the quake, the incredible amount of aid has disabled some people even more as some Haitians now expect handouts and have become aggressive about receiving “anything.” I hate to believe that many I saw in clinic this week were there for that reason but regardless of their motives, we were able to love them and show them compassion.