Mission of Hope

We just got back from church with the Haitians. They are such beautiful people and we praised God in unity, despite language differences…it was beautiful! I’m sure God smiles at the sound of his people uniting to praise Him.

Today we tried to organize and orient ourselves to the clinic that opens it’s doors to hundreds of Haitians each day. We have no idea what to expect, but will be ready to triage and expedite emergency care if needed. We will also provide primary care for common but dangerous tropical diseases. The clinic has been closed over the weekend so we expect many people to be waiting at the gates when we open them. The trek to this clinic is easily twenty minutes outside of PAP by car and will require families to pay for “tap taps” (taxi/bus/too many people hanging out of a vehicle), walk, hitch a ride, etc. This clinic has gained the highest respect for care around here post quake so the numbers of people seeking care here keep growing.

I’ll be the first face to greet the patients in this waiting room as the triage nurse. I wonder what stories will occupy these benches this week?
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